The Coral Ridge Trail

Hiking in the Jefferson Memorial Forest

My favorite trail in the Jefferson Memorial Forest is the Coral Ridge Trail. It’s a little more challenging, a little longer, and a little rougher than some of the other trails. I only try it when I’m feeling my oats, and today I was feeling my oats.

View from the top of the ridge. In the winter you can see for miles.
It’s kind of hard to see the trail in some places but in other places like this one, there is a light dusting of snow on the trail that creates a bright white line through the woods you can follow.
I had to crawl through this mess to get to the other side to the trail.
A tree falls in the forest. Does it make a sound?
Snow accumulating on the fungus on a fallen log.

Here the trail opened up. The walking was much easier. The temperature went from 15 degrees to a glorious 25 degrees. I was trying out a new article of clothing that my daughter gave me for Christmas. it was a shirt that wicks the moisture away from your skin. Worked like a charm