Travels with Aunt Renie

Ghost Dog

2014-05-02 16.18.36

Aunt Renie came to Louisville, Kentucky for a visit. It was in the spring of the year so I decided to take her to Churchill Downs to watch the horses run.
We drove to south Louisville where the track is located and parked the car a few blocks away and walked the remaining distance to the track entrance. Aunt Renie is pretty spry for an old lady.
We were both able to get in for the admission price of only $1.00 as we are both senior citizens. Louisville likes to encourage its seniors to go to the track. We made our way through the throng of horse racing fans to a booth where they were selling racing forms. I bought one and stuck it in my pocket. Then we walked out to the track and sat in the sun on the hard benches and studied the form to make our…

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Single Black Female


I was having breakfast in one of my favorite hamburger joints, Burger Boy, down on Burnett, when I looked up from the book I was reading and I noticed a single black female, short in stature, with long black hair and fake eyelashes sitting with her back to me at the lunch counter. She was wearing a black ball cap and a black leather jacket. The jacket had silver studs on the collar and along the half circle of each of the shoulders. She had on tight blue jeans and brown suede fringed moccasins that went half way up her well-shaped calves. There was a red leather purse with a gold chain sitting on the counter in front of her.


She kept glancing at her cell phone as she patiently waited for her food too to arrive. She got it to go. When it came, she picked up the white plastic bag the waitress had placed before her and she stepped away from the counter.


It was then that I witnessed the full effect of her great beauty as her face came into full view. She then made her way to the front door and departed. It was a moment.


KMAC Couture

Launch Party

KMAC Couture is a wearable art runway show presented by KMAC Museum In Louisville, Kentucky each April. This event offers a unique way to experience the Museum.

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Everything Couture Here?

I walked into the party

my scarf it was apricot

I had one eye in the viewfinder

and the other rubbering around the room

the girls in their lavish dresses

were on display for all to see

A cupcake is a tasty treat

and the eye candy looked so sweet…

the gates of heaven must be open

I think I saw an angel just walk by.

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KMAC Museum, 715 W, Main Street, Louisville, Kentucky

All photos by Benn Bell



Happy Valentine’s Day to all my fabulous Word Press friends!


Love from Louisville


Goddess of Love


Amour From Philadelphia


City of Brotherly Love


Love from Big Lou


Love from the Big Apple

Rude Kings

He looked on fabulous monsters, the twin beards and huge beast-bodies of Assyrian Kings, the walls of Babylon.

 -Thomas Wolfe, Look Homeward Angel



Storefront, Philadelphia


Storefront, Philadelphia

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Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago

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Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago

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Oriental Institute Museum, University of Chicago

All photos by Benn Bell

Angels Over America

The Big Sleep and Look Homeward Angel


I just finished reading Look Homeward Angel by Thomas Wolfe. It was a monumental mountain of beautiful prose. Now I turn my attention to a different sort of angel. A slumming angel. Of course I am speaking of none other than Raymond Chandler. I have read The Big Sleep before, but not the new annotated edition. Chandler’s prose is a bit more hard boiled than Wolfe’s but it is no less poetic. I can’t wait to get started!



Best Films of 2018

2018 was a pretty good year for films. I had a hard time picking my top 10, but I didn’t have a hard time picking my top 3. They are as follows:


A Stra is Born

First Reformed poster

Top 10 Films of 2018

  1. Roma

  2. A Star is Born

  3. First Reformed

  4. Sorry to Bother You

  5. BlakKKlansman

  6. Crazy Rich Asians

  7. Widows

  8. The Wife

  9. The Favourite

  10. Bad Times at the El Royale