Film Review

“Prometheus stole fire from the gods and gave it to man. For this, he was chained to a rock and tortured for eternity.”
“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”
These are two tag lines from Christopher Nolan’s excellent Bio-pic, Oppenheimer, which I saw yesterday. Perhaps the best and most important film made in the last 100 years That is to say, ever! Must see in IMAX! Highest quality, both for sound and visuals. It was like being on acid without the acid. The acting was superb. Cillian Murphy was excellent as Oppenheimer and Robert Downey Jr. gave perhaps the best performance of his career. One should never forget two things. There are warring nations on Earth right now that have nuclear weapons capable of destroying the world and wiping out civilization. And the other thing is The United States is the only country in the world to drop an atomic bomb on another country. The targets were cities populated by civilians. It is debatable whether this heinous act saved lives or ended the war. But one thing for sure is that tens of thousands of people were instantaneously incinerated and thousands more died of radiation poisoning. This is a heavy burden to carry as an American and as Oppenheimer himself said, we have blood on our hands. Go see this movie!